Christian - Sindlinger Research Group

Sindlinger Group
Molecular Structure @ RWTH Aachen
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Independent Research
funded by fellowships of the Fonds d. chem. Industrie
10/2021 -                     
Juniorprofessor (Assistant Professor) W1 tt. W2, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry,  RWTH Aachen University
02/2018 - 09/2021
Independent junior group (Habilitand) at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Göttingen (Mentor Prof. D. Stalke)
funded by fellowships of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
05/2017 - 12/2017
Feodor-Lynen-Return-Fellow with Prof. D. Stalke, University of Göttingen
01/2016 - 04/2017
Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the AvH-foundation with Prof. S. Aldridge, University of Oxford
11/2015 - 12/2015
interim with Prof. L. Wesemann, University of Tübingen
funded by fellowships of the Fonds d. chem. Industrie and the Studienstiftung d. dt. Volkes
10/2012 - 10/2015
PhD with Prof. L. Wesemann, University of Tübingen
"Reductive Dehydrogenation of Organotin Hydrides and Contributions to the Chemistry of their Derivatives" (translated from German)
01/2014 - 05/2014
Research Stint with Prof. A . Stasch, Monash University, Melbourne, now at University of St. Andrews
Studies and Diploma Thesis
Funded by a fellowship of the Studienstiftung d. dt. Volkes 03/2008 - 07/2012
Diploma Thesis with Prof. L. Wesemann, University of Tübingen
"Studies regarding the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds of the heavy group 15 elements with mono- and dianionic ligand systems“ (translated from German)
10/2007- 07/2012
Studies for a Diploma Degree, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
07/2011 - 10/2011
DAAD RISE research stay with Dr. A . Stasch, Monash University, Melbourne
03/2011 - 04/2011
Internship with Prof. C. Jenne (Knapp),  University of Freiburg, now at University of Wuppertal
08/2010 - 10/2010
DAAD RISE research stay with Prof. J. Gladysz, Texas A&M University, College Station
Fellowships and Awards
Exploration Grant, Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung
Liebig-Fellowship, Fonds der chemischen Industrie


Jun.-Prof. Dr.  Christian P. Sindlinger
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
RWTH Aachen University
Landoltweg 1a, D-52074 Aachen

Office: 2010 | 022
Tel: +49 241-80-97312
ORCID  0000-0002-0392-7149

Administrative Assistance
Claudia Klöser
Office: 2020 | 213
Tel: +49 241-80-94644


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The Sindlinger Group Contact
JProf. Dr. Christian Sindlinger
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry RWTH Aachen University
Landoltweg 1a | 52074 Aachen | Germany
+49 241 80 97312
© Sindlinger Group 2022
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