Team - Sindlinger Research Group

Sindlinger Group
Molecular Structure @ RWTH Aachen
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Meet the Team
Current Group
Tobias Heitkemper, MSc.
10/2021 -
Scientific Co-Worker, Boehringer-Ingelheim-Foundation Project
04/2018  -  12/2021                
PhD Student
funded by a Fellowship by the Fond d. chemischen Industrie
ThesisTitled: "Synthesis and Reactivity of Free 2,5-Silyl-substituted Boroles"
2012  -  2017             
Undergraduate Studies at TU Dortmund,
BSc and MSc Theses with Prof. Klaus Jurkschat
Tobi studied at TU Dortmund before joining our lab in Göttingen where he was the first PhD student and greatly helped shaping the lab and moving it through all pandemic phases. He moved with the group to Aachen, finished his PhD and will continue on an Exploration Grant project. In his sparetime, Tobi is an avid supporter of a Dortmund based football team.
Office: 2010 | 013
Labs: 2010 | 003 + 103
Tel: +49 241-80-96387
ORCID  0000-0002-7771-3258

Julijan Sarcevic, MSc.
01/2021  -            
PhD Student
funded by DFG Research Training Group 2455 BENCh in Göttingen
Co-Supervisors: Prof. Sven Schneider (Göttingen), Prof. Leticia González (Vienna)
2015  -  2020          
Undergraduate Studies at Bielefeld University.
BSc and MSc Thesis with Prof. Norbert Mitzel.
MSc experimental part was carried out in our group in Göttingen.
Originally from the "Outer Rim" of Northrhine-Westphalia, Julijan studied chemistry at the University of Bielefeld. Lucky for us, he voluntarily visited our group in Göttingen in 2019 for a research internship and decided to extend his stay in 2020 when he carried out the experimental parts of his Master's thesis in our group. Julijan is a dedicated car mechanic with a faible for historic cars and the groups go-to-craftsman.
Office: 2010 | 013
Labs: 2020 | 003 + 103
Tel: +49 241-80-97315

Previous and Honorary Members of the Team

Maxim Golfmann, MSc.
2020  -  2021          
Master Thesis July 2020 - January 2021
Undergraduate Studies at University of Göttingen.
BSc Thesis with Prof. Manuel Alcarazo.

Maxim was the first MSc student from Göttingen we hosted in our lab. He previously finished a research internship with the group and despite being dedicated to organic chemistry he briefly joined our inorganic team and managed to make some nice reactive heterocycles. Maxim now joined the lab of great colleague Johannes Walker in Göttingen to once again become a true organic chemist. All the best Maxim!

Leonard Naß, BSc
2019  -  2021             
Junior-BENCh'ing student research assistant 2020-2021
BSc Thesis, Nov 2019 - Jan 2020
Undergraduate studies in Chemistry at the University of Göttingen.
Leonard was the first BSc student from Göttingen to join our lab for a thesis and did very well. He was later adopted into the group as a student research assistant and became an important part of it. In addition to being a goof chemist, he enjoys being a pro-skater which is why he has been referred to in the group as "Tony the Eagle".

Bastian Pohl, BSc.
BSc Thesis June 2021 - August 2021
Undergraduate Studies at University of Göttingen.

The groups second BSc. student briefly before we left Göttingen for Aachen.
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The Sindlinger Group Contact
JProf. Dr. Christian Sindlinger
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry RWTH Aachen University
Landoltweg 1a | 52074 Aachen | Germany
+49 241 80 97312
© Sindlinger Group 2022
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